
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 汪中、淩廷堪文學思想析論--揚州學派文學思想的兩個方向
卷期 16
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Literary Thoughts of Wang Chung and of Ling T'ing-k'an: Two Directions of the Yang-chou School's Literary Thoughts
作者 李貴生
頁次 213-261
關鍵字 汪中淩廷堪揚州學派文學思想Wang ChungLing T'ing-k'anYang-chou schoolLiterary thoughtsTHCI
出刊日期 200003


汪中和淩廷堪是清代揚州學派的代表人物。除了深於經學外,他們俱雅擅文學,且各自對文學有一番見解。然而,與他們同時及稍晚的學者並不瞭解他們的想法。這些學者多誤解汪中的文學思想,並把他與淩廷堪的主張混為一談。其實汪、淩的意見分別展示了揚州學派文學思想的兩個方向,釐清二人的關係,有助我們全面掌握乾嘉考證學者的文學思想。 本文首先分述汪中和淩廷堪的文學思想,繼而考察他們分歧的地方,最後探討這兩個不同的方向被人混同的過程,藉此補充過去研究的不足。


Wang Chung and Ling T'ing-k'an are two representative figures of the Yang-chou School of the Ch'ing Dynasty. Their erudition is shown not only in classical studies, but also in literature, and each of the two developed a unique view about literary writing. Yet, many of their contemporaries as well as subsequent scholars misunderstood their literary thoughts, and generally confused Wang Chung's views with Ling T'ing-k'an's. In fact, Wang Chung and Ling T'ing-k'an each initiated a different direction of the literary thinking of the Yang-chou School. Clarification of the similarities and differences between Wang and Ling will help us acquire a comprehensive understanding of the theories of prose developed by scholars of classical studies in the Ch'ien-lung and Chia-ch'ing periods. This paper will begin with a separate exposition of the literary thoughts of Wang Chung and of Ling T'ing-k'an. The exposition will be followed by a study of their differences, and finally by an exploration of the process through which people confused the two scholars' thoughts one with the other. The purpose is to collect and organize related material to make up for the lack of studies in the area.
