
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 以文為詩的觀念嬗變
卷期 17
並列篇名 Evolution of the Concept of "Prose as Poetry"
作者 吳淑鈿
頁次 237-262
關鍵字 文體觀念詩學觀念本色熟味詩文互涉辨體意識Concept of genreConcept of poeticsSystem of normsTasteInterrelation between poetry and proseConsciousness of differentiating genreTHCI
出刊日期 200009




Ever since the phrase “prose as poetry” appeared in the Hou-shan shih-hua, many interpretations of it have been offered in various critical studies. Critics have attended mainly to the value of using prose as poetry, and the emphasis of academic research has been on recognizing the ways of using prose as poetry. This paper tries to offer a different perspective on this issue, proposing that the concept of genre in “prose as poetry” must be considered together with the concept of poetics. The meaning of genre can be foregrounded only when the significance of its origin and transformation is investigated in light of the development of poetics. The construction of this meaning is related to the differentiation of styles and forms of T'ang and Sung poetry, and the definition of Chinese poetry also counts in that construction. This paper holds that the reception of “prose as poetry” after the Sung Dynasty marks the perfection of traditional Chinese poetry, and thus the development of related concepts is of paramount importance.
