
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 陽明後學的成員分析
卷期 17
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Membership of the Yang-ming School
作者 黃文樹
頁次 371-388
關鍵字 陽明後學師承關係身分Yang-ming schoolTutorship relationsStatusTHCI
出刊日期 200009




This essay attempts to chart tutorship relations among the later followers of Wang Yang-ming. It finds that the tutorship network of the Yang-ming School clearly extended beyond regional boundaries, and many scholars studied under more than one teacher. Furthermore, some research on the tutorship system of the Yang-ming School demands critical re-examination. The essay also presents statistical charts depicting the status and honors granted to scholars of the Yang-ming School under the imperial civil service examination system. Most scholars in the Yang-ming School participated in the civil service examinations and devoted themselves to careers in politics or education. Besides working to reform the official education system, these scholars devoted considerable effort to developing public education. They formed a highly complex, systematic educational movement.
