
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 從宋明理學的「性情論」考察劉蕺山對《中庸》「喜怒哀樂」的詮釋
卷期 25
並列篇名 Liu Jishan's Interpretation of “Pleasure, Anger, Sorrow, and Joy” from the Zhongyong: Considered in the Context of Discourses on Xing and Qing in Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism
作者 林月惠
頁次 177-218
關鍵字 劉蕺山喜怒哀樂性情論性之情四氣七情Liu JishanPleasure anger sorrow and joyDiscourses on xing and qingQing in xingSiqiQiqingTHCI
出刊日期 200409




Although the concept of qing may not be as dynamic and nuanced as those of xin, xing, li and qi in the core of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, qing is fundamental when moral cultivation is concerned. Arguably the last significant Neo-Confucian thinker, Liu Jishan (1578-1645) offered a philosophical treatise on qing amidst the late Ming's obsession with the ideas of qing (sentiment) and yu (desire). Liu's insight was fully borne out in his creative interpretation of the meaning of "pleasure, anger, sorrow, and joy" from the Zhongyong. This paper begins with a survey of the philosophical treatments of xing and qing in Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism and points out that Liu's understanding of the qing embedded in "pleasure, anger, sorrow, and joy" as stemming from xing, human nature, is in keeping with this tradition. It then examines Liu's critique of Zhu Xi's influential dichotomy of xing and qing; Liu's was an effort to restore qing as the essence of human nature. Fusing qing to xing is in effect providing a legitimate dwelling place for qing, understood now as an element of human nature embodied in "pleasure, anger, sorrow, and joy," which Liu called the siqi (four kinds of qi) or side (the four virtues). After securing the qing-as-xing logic, Liu pondered its onto-cosmological implications. He observed how tiandao (way of heaven), xingti (the matter of nature), and xinti (the matter of the mind) are manifested through the ceaseless activity of the "four kinds of qi," and showed that the "pleasure, anger, sorrow, and joy" of a human being are the original moral agents in the mind. At this point, the phrase "pleasure, anger, sorrow, and joy" departs from its customary meaning and acquires an ontocosmological significance. This paper also considers the distinction between "pleasure, anger, sorrow, and joy" and qiqing (the seven kinds of emotions) that Liu made to further show his insight on the concept of qing and his reaction to other late-Ming thinkers.
