
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 能量的吸血主義--李歐塔、傅柯、德勒茲與中國房中術
卷期 25
並列篇名 Energetic Vampirism--Lyotard, Foucault, Deleuze and the Chinese Art of the Bedchamber
作者 何乏筆
頁次 259-286
關鍵字 性的吸血主義後結構主義中國房中術自我修養傅柯Sexual vampirismPost-StructuralismChinese ars eroticaSelf-cultivationMichel FoucaultTHCI
出刊日期 200409


對當代歐陸哲學產生影響的漢學著作極少。值得注意的例外爲荷蘭漢學家、作家及外交官高羅佩(Robert vam Gulik)的Sexual life in Anclent China(《中國古代房內考》)。高羅佩關於中國房中術的研究將某些道家性修煉的方法稱之爲「性的吸血主義」。此觀點曾特別引起爭論。道家房中術的吸血主義傾向在高羅佩身上引發了強烈的震撼。道家能量論在房中術的運用所觸發的、深具倫理意味的疑惑,則引起關於能量論與倫理學之關係的反省。此處,中國房中術成爲哲學問題。本文由性吸血主義的觀念出發,透過李歐塔(Jean-Francois Lyotard)對此觀念極爲獨特的詮釋,再深入此問題場域。接著討論傅柯(Michel Foucault)和德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)如何由東西方差異切入能量與自我之關係,並且闡明「能量吸血主義」在當代哲學中的特殊含義。


It is very rare that sinological research influences contemporary European philosophy. Sexual Life in Ancient China by Robert van Gulik is a remarkable exception. During his research in the Chinese ars erotica he coined the term "sexual vampirism" to describe certain practices within Taoist sexual cultivation. Thereby he incited a still ongoing scholarly debate. Van Gulik was shocked by what he perceived as a vampirist tendency within Taoist erotics. His serious doubts about some sexual applications of Taoist energetics obviously have ethical implications, which provoke reflections upon the relation between ethics and energetics within the field of selfcultivation. At this point the Chinese art of the bedchamber becomes a philosophical problem. This paper begins from the idea of sexual vampirism and goes through its astonishing interpretation by French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard, to a discussion of how Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze use the supposed difference between East and West to open up enlightening meditations on the relation between energie (force) and the self, thereby revealing the significance of a certain "energetic vampirism" for contemporary philosophy.
