
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 《上博二·昔者君老》簡文探究及其與《尚書·顧命》的相關問題
卷期 24
並列篇名 An Interpretation of “On the Death of the King,” a Text on Bamboo Strips in the Collection of the Shanghai Museum, and Its Relationship to the Chapter “Guming” in the Book of Documents
作者 季旭昇
頁次 253-292
關鍵字 顧命君喪禮“Guming”the king’s funeralxiang ce zhe ye THCI
出刊日期 200403




The passage beginning with the line “On the death of the king,” in the Warring States Period text, Chu Bamboo Strips (II), in the collection of the Shanghai Museum, records that at the time the king was dying, his son, the crown prince, had an audience with him. The text portrays the crown prince as being present at the deathbed of the king. The king’s younger brother had the duty of taking the crown prince to see the dying king. This passage is written succinctly, finely and smoothly; it describes the rigorous procedure for a solemn inheritance of the throne during the Zhou dynasty. The crown prince dutifully performed the mourning rites due to the king around the time he passed away. My paper conducts a thorough investigation of the passage and o ffers an explanation of the text and the ways it resembles and differs from the “Guming” chapter of the Book of Documents.
