
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 二程本體論要旨探究--從自然論向目的論的展開
卷期 2
並列篇名 From Naturalism to Teleology : A Study of the General Principles of the Ontology of the Ch'eng Brothers
作者 鍾彩鈞
頁次 385-422
關鍵字 THCI
出刊日期 199203



 In this article the author analyzes the general principles of the ontology of Ch'eng Hao and Ch'eng I and traces their connections .   Holding an Immanent Vitalism , Ch'eng Hao suggests by "the Oneness of Heaven and Man" that Heaven(t'ien), being the same as Way(tao), Divinity(shen), and Creativity(sheng), is completely immanent in Man(jen) and other creatures . By the concept of Heavenly Principle(t'ien-li)Ch'eng Hao means both the natureness of Existent Nature(ch'i-chih chih-shing) and the reality of Heavenly Way , thus implying a development from naturalism to teleology . By the concept of Destiny (ming)Cheng Hao also shows the twofold tendency and suggests a trust in Desting at the level of Heavenly Way . The ontology of Ch'eng I has three phases : (1) Asserting the a priori permanence of the Way , he establishes a teleology of moral discipline . (2) Maintaining a strict division between Substance and Function , he identifies Principle with the transcendental and immovable Substance . (3) He delimits Destiny at the level of Material Force(ch'i). However , since Way is to Destiny as Substance is to Function , moral effort may result in the changes in Destiny .

