
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 王畿與道教——陽明學者對道教內丹學的融攝
卷期 21
並列篇名 Wang Ji and Taoism--Absorption and Creative Interpretation of Inner alchemy doctrines of Taoism by Scholars of the Wang Yangming School
作者 彭國翔
頁次 255-292
關鍵字 王龍溪中晚明陽明學道教內丹學Wang JiWang Yangming learning in late mingInner alchemy doctrines of taoismTHCI
出刊日期 200209




The interpenetration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism had almost reached its highest stage in mid- to late-Ming. The interaction of Wang Yangming's teachings with Buddhism and Taoism constitutes a very important area of the study of the relations among Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and more study still remains to be carried out about the relations between Wang Yangming's thought and Taoism. We especially need a comprehensive and thorough study of the relation between Taoism and Wang Ji, the leading figure after Wang Yangming in the development of Yangming thought in mid-to late-Ming. This article researches Wang Ji and Taoism, using both historical and theoretical approaches, to investigate the interactions between Wang Ji and figures of importance in Taoism, and to study the ways he put Taoist meditation methods into practice. The argument is that Wang Ji tried to incorporate some basic concepts and propositions of Taoism into his own world of thought through absorption and creative interpretation. Although he associated closely with some Taoists, and himself practiced Taoist methods -even using many Taoist terms of inner alchemy in his discourse-still, he fundamentally agreed with Wang Yangming's teaching. He made an effort to bring fundamental concepts and propositions of Taoism into a system of conscience. By creative interpretation, in Wang Ji's thought, the basic concepts and propositions of Taoism were given different meaning and took on Confucian significance. For the relation between mainstream Yangming Learning and Taoism, especially the doctrines of inner alchemy, this study provides a representative case study.

