
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 玄學中的音樂思想
卷期 10
並列篇名 The Metaphysical Concepts of Music in Hsuan-hsueh
作者 戴璉璋
頁次 059-090
關鍵字 玄學自然音樂Hsuan hsueh yu wu tzu-jan musicTHCI
出刊日期 199703


本文討論王醋、阮籍與稿康三人的音樂思想。王謂對於〈老子〉「大音希 聲」的說法作了精當的闡釋﹔阮籍對於傳統「雅樂」的特性與功能, 依據所謂 「自然之道J的理論提出了重要的說明。至於稿康, 他那著名的〈聲無哀樂 論〉, 除了論證聲無哀樂以外, 還善巧地揭示了聲有自然之理。筆者分別討論 了他們的相關著作, 並取傳統樂論來加以比較, 旨在審察三人的玄學思想在其 音樂領域的論述中所產生的影響。依筆者管見, 王醋、阮籍與稿康三人的音樂 思想有一共同的基本原則, 即「將欲全有必返於無」。可以聽間的音樂是 「有」﹔不可聽聞的「大音」或「自然之道」、「自然之理J是「無」。必須 歸本於後者, 音樂才能全其大用, 盡其和美。三人的論述, 對於傳統樂論的誣 妄比附有所澄清﹔對於音樂欣賞與創作的境界有所提升﹔而對於音樂獨特的藝 術精神與價值也有睿智的洞見。從這裹, 我們可以看到玄學思想在音樂領域中 的確有「開物成務」的作用。


This is a discussion of the concepts of music developed by Wang 間,
Juan Chi and Chi k’ang. According to Lao Tzu,“the greatest sound
﹝which signifies Tao, expresses the essence of the universe and﹞is not to
be detected with mortal ears’,and Wang Pi gave a precise description of
this concept. Based on “the essence of the universe’”Juan Chi offered
significant connotations to enhance the features and functions of the
traditional “aesthetically good music.’, As to Chi k’ang, besides giving
examples to prove, in his renowned “Sheng wu aile fun’”there is neither
sorrow nor joy in sounds, he skillfully argued that aesthetically good music
should correspond to the essence of the universe. In this study, with a view
of understanding how metaphysical ideas affected their contemplation of
music, I made an exhaustive searcp. through each of their related works
respectively and examined their views together with traditional music
theory. In my opinion, Wang Pi, Juan Chi and Chi k’ang all believed in
one fundamental principle﹔they all agreed that in contrast with “yu,'’ the
music which can be detected with mortal ears, there is the kind of sound
which is transcendental and superb and can never be possibly detected with
mortal ears. This kind of sound is“WU’,and is in accord with “the essence
of the universe.”If music is to cultivate minds and reach the ultimate
beauty of harmony, it should be in correspondence with the essence of the
universe. They all claimed that, traditionally, music had long been vulgarly misused as a tool in both education and politics. Besides raising musical creation and appreciation to a much higher and sublime level, they offeredcreative insights and suggestions about the aesthetic quality and value of music as well. From this discussion we can understand how the metaphysical thoughts of Hsuan-hsueh can provide both constructive
enlightenment and nourishment to the concept of music.
