
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 傳統的背叛和詩美的創新一一淺論中晚唐險怪詩風的流變及其美學價值
卷期 10
並列篇名 Revolt Against Tradition and the Creation of Poetic Aesthetics
作者 陳友冰
頁次 183-219
關鍵字 險怪詩風流變大曆詩人韓愈李賀Han YuLi Hepoetic aesthetics“Danger and StrangenessTHCI
出刊日期 199703




This is an exploration of change in Tang poetic style. The analysis focuses on the fact that in the mid to late Tang dynasty, the “Danger and Strangeness" poetry style, represented by Han Yu and Li He, rebelled against and brought forth new ideas from traditional poetic aesthetics. The poets of the Dali period had already completed the theoretical preparations and initiated the stylistic transition. Later, Han Yu issued a challenge to traditional poetics, so that features such as forceful and dynamic beauty, grotesque beauty, relativity and inter-equivalency of beauty and ugliness, and irregular beauty were opposed to traditional features such as the beauty of moderation, natural interest, the sharp division of beauty and ugliness, as well as symmetrical, harmonious prosody. Then, Li He put this new aesthetic idea deep into people’s minds. Sometimes, with intensely dark tones, he captured episodes of the objective world, and in the light of his own subjective thoughts, he recomposed, reversed, or deformed reflections﹔or on a stream of consciousness basis, he described a vague picture of a dream world, which refracted his deep inner world.
