
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 《呂氏春秋》高誘《注》校釋
卷期 12
並列篇名 An Annotated Study of Kao Yu's--Commentaries on the Lu-Shih Ch'un-Ch'iu
作者 何志華
頁次 205-252
關鍵字 高誘淮南子呂氏春秋Kao yuHuai-nan tzuLu-shih ch'un-ch'iuTHCI
出刊日期 199803




Kao Yu of the Eastern Han, was the author of commentaries on the Huai-nan tzu, the Lu-shih ch'un-ch'iu and the Chan-kuo ts'e. As he tended to couch similar comments as well as glosses in similar wording, we can collate them to arrive at more reliable readings.   Extant editions of the Lu-shih ch'un-ch'iu, including those published in the Yuan or the Ming, are not free from corruption. Kao Yu's commentary is no exception. This article attempts to compare Kao Yu's commentaries where there are duplications in the other two works. It is hoped that this will be helpful to students of Han commentaries to early works.
