
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 論清中葉常州學者對考據學的不同態度及其意義——以臧庸與李兆洛為討論中心
卷期 23
並列篇名 The Mid-Qing Changzhou Scholars' Views on Evidential Scholarship: Focusing on Zang Yong and Li Zhaoluo
作者 蔡長林
頁次 263-303
關鍵字 常州學派漢學考據八股文Changzhou scholarshipHan learningEvidential studiesEight-legged essayTHCI
出刊日期 200309




The widely established evidential method and its resultant academic values heralded a new spirit in classical learning in the regions of Wu, Wan, Jiading, Gaoyou, Qiantang, and beyond. Although scholars in Changzhou were also affected by this new kind of scholarship, the region had its own rich tradition in classical study, which differed from evidential method and its values. As a result, since the middle of the Qianlong reign, even though Hong Liangji, Sun Xingyan, Zhuang Shuzu, Zhang Huiyan and others had used evidential methodology in their studies, the shape of Changzhou scholarship was still observably different from the strict evidential methodology of Wu, Wan, or Yangzhou. During the Qianlong-Jiaqing transition, Zang Yong and Li Zhaoluo represented two entirely different styles of classical study. Zang persisted in so-called Han learning; evidential research and compilation work were his life-long commitment. In contrast, Li Zhaoluo underscored Changzhou's scholarly tradition and harbored a critical attitude towards evidential study. In this light, this article examines these famous Changzhou scholars' scholarly writings, their scholarly careers, as well as their academic attitudes and values. It also investigates the interaction between the Changzhou scholars and the larger scholarly world of the time. It illustrates the unique style of Changzhou scholarship under the impact of evidential study, illuminating the particular significance of the Changzhou school. It suggests that the formation of the Changzhou school was rooted in Changzhou's own long-standing scholarly tradition, whereby emphasis was put on the practical concerns of Confucianism, particularly the kind of Confucianism that was closely related to the examination/bureaucratic system, which informed a significant part of Changzhou scholars' classical studies.

