
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 陶淵明〈扇上畫贊〉箋證
卷期 4
並列篇名 Summary of "Annotation and Commentary on T'ao Yuan-ming 's 'Appraisals for a Painting upon a Fan' "
作者 王叔岷
頁次 027-036
關鍵字 扇上畫贊陶淵明THCI
出刊日期 199403


本〈贊〉箋證,係據宋李公煥《箋註》本為底本,其要點如次: 1. 校釋字句之異同。 2. 補訂前人校注之缺失。 3. 增益本人之創見。 4. 以陶公之詩文互證。


This annotation and commentary upon "Appraisals" takes the annotated edition of Li Kung-huan of the Sung dynasty as its basic manuscript, and its main features are as follows: 1) It collates and explicates discrepancies among words and phrases. 2) It fills-in the omissions and rectifies the errors in the collations and annotations of former scholars. 3) It adds to these my own original opinions. 4) It makes use of both T'ao's poetry and prose for the purpose of reciprocal demonstration.

