
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 評「所知‧所犯」規則於司法實務上的運用
卷期 25:4
並列篇名 The application of “what a defendent knows or does” rule in courts
作者 蔡聖偉
頁次 095-131
關鍵字 錯誤理論所知所犯故意包含關係不同毒品等級間的客體錯誤評價矛盾共犯踰越error as to the legal elements of the offence intent intent alternative inclusive relation exzess of accomplice TSSCI
出刊日期 201404




Under Interim New Criminal Law Article 13(c), when a defendant does differs from what he or she knows, the crime is judged according to the following; (1) What a defendant does is the same or more serious than what he or she knows, the crime is judged according to what he or she knows; (2) What a defendant does is lesser than what he or she knows, the crime is judged according to what he or she does. If we read and understand this rule according to the above words unlimitedly, it does not suit our judicial review system today. We can easily know why the result is improper, when a defendant does not know the subject of guilt relief, and not equivalent to elements of error and elements of negative errors occur at the same time.
In fact, we can apply what a defendant knows, and what a defendant does rule to classify cases into two catagories according to whether a defendant commits a crime infringing the same essence of legal interest. The two catagories are errors occurring between crimes with different essence and the same essence. When errors occur between crimes with different essence, what a defendant does cannot only be judged by a minor crime unless elements of the crimes are similar to inclusion in a case. In this kind of situation, the defendant knows shall constitute an attempted crime and what he or she does shall constitute a negligent crime. When errors occur between crimes with the same essence, because objective facts and subjective knowledge overlap each other, what a defendant does shall be judged as a minor, intentional and completed crime. However, to judge illegal facts adequately, when a defendant does going beyond what a defendant knows or a defendant knows going beyond what a defendant does, it sh all still constitute an attempt or a negligent crime. To sum up, what a defendant knows, and what a defendant does rule cannot be a standard to solve error cases.
