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篇名 國軍軍藝單位學用合一現況研究初探─以「美術」為例
卷期 104
並列篇名 The Initial Exploration of Current Situation on the combination of application and acquisition in Art Unit in National Military School ─ Take "Art" as a Case of Study
作者 范宜善林君潔
頁次 121-150
關鍵字 軍藝單位學用差距military arts unitsgap between the learning and the application
出刊日期 201406




Courses are ideal tools for practical education, and teaching is the main method. The curriculum and the content of teaching aims at training cadets’ capacity for transforming knowledge, the basis of learning, into ability, which’s been crucial to the planning of military education, so as to shorten the gap between cultivation and the employment by military forces, and eliminate the discrepancy between the artistic areas of expertise and the real needs of military arts units as well. Once the curriculum isn’t consistent with the need of career, the gap between the learning and application will occur. Therefore, understanding what knowledge and need one professional in the military career possesses should be regarded as an important principle.
This study, taking the officials working in military art unit as objects, was conducted by questionnaires to understand the current situation of military art unit’s implementation. After the analysis of the answers to the questions such as “working cognition,” “working technique,” and “working experience,” and also the recommendations and conclusion of individual interview, the basis for the overall assignment of military artistic professional curriculum could be set. And the whole planning of school curriculum proceeded from the reflection of individual courses, so as to create learning needs from the view of putting what’s been learned into practice. “Cultivating Students’ Ability” is to fulfill the cultivation of students’ basic literacy and core competencies and shorten the gap between what’s learned and what can be really used for all military cadets.
