
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Comparing and Prioritizing Measures of Personal Digital Resume: Job Seekers and Human Resource (HR) Practitioners’ Perspectives
卷期 25:2
作者 Liu, Chung-chu
頁次 008-020
關鍵字 resumedigitalrecruitingweb portfoliopersonal digital resumewebsite serviceEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201407



Personal resume is a widely used human resource selected method and decision reference. Individuals can improve their image through personal resume. Personal digital resume involves using information technology to develop qualified job seekers for employment. The aim of this study is to identify constructs and prioritize the measures of personal digital resume. FAHP(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy process) is a synthetic extension of classical AHP method when the fuzziness of the decision makers is considered. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is utilized to gather and analyze data.A total of 29 people were selected and were a combination of 16 job seekers and 13 HR practitioners. Based on the results, the personal digital resume may be categorized into three dimensions: Internet image capital, Internet social capital, and Internet innovative capital. Additionally, the study develops 9 indicators for personal digital resume assessment. Ideas for theoretical and practical implementation are discussed.
