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篇名 女性家長式領導探究-一所小型學校個案為例
卷期 29
並列篇名 The inquiry of the paternalistic leadership of female principal in small-scale school
作者 周國民
頁次 029-058
關鍵字 女校長家長式領導女性領導個案研究female principalpaternalistic leadershipfemale leadershipcase study
出刊日期 201406


在教育現場中女性校長研究常套用國外女性領導理論進行研究,影響了本土女性領導研究視野的開展,本研究以女校長為研究對象探究華人本土化父權中心思想之家長式領導。 本研究採質性研究方法,以一所辦學績優、校長具華人領導特質之國小為個案來研究女性家長式領導與部屬反應,並以實地觀察、深度訪談、書面文件等方式進行資料蒐集分析。研究結果發現如後:一、女性家長式領導風格有中性化、隱蔽化與績效化的傾向。在「頑固威權」層面表現出中性化特質;「含蓄關懷」、「樹立典範」則以較隱蔽方式展現、「關注效度」則顯現出重績效、重表面之華人特質。二、女性家長式領導下部屬會增加負面反應。在「頑固威權」領導下會有耳語反彈聲浪;對校長「含蓄關懷」採取表面敷衍回應;「樹立典範」、「關注效度」仍有許多之肯定及認同、效法之正向回應。


The research about female principals in educational site often imitates female leadership theory to proceed, affecting the vision development of local female leadership research. My research invites one female principal as a participant in order to inquiry the paternalistic leadership containing the thought of Chinese local patriarchy-centered approach. The research adopts qualitative approach, taking a primary school which has good accountability and its principal adopts Chinese leadership as case. The methods of collecting data include observation, deep interview and paper documents. The outcomes of research are: 1. The leadership styles of female principal incline to emphasize androgynous characteristic, hiding ways and accountability. First, it is representing the androgynous characteristic to show authoritarian. Second, implicit care and ideal establishment are showed by some hiding ways. Third, paying attention to efficiency shows the characteristic of Chinese emphasizing accountability and specious writing. 2. The subordinates increase negative reactions under the female paternalistic leadership. They question female leadership. On one hand, they resist through murmuring under the authoritarian style, adopting perfunctory attitude to treat the implicit care from their principal. On the other hand, under the traditional value of subjection, they agree and take positive reactions toward ideal establishment and paying attention to efficiency.
