
Architecture Science

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篇名 Evolution of the Public and the Private Sector for Enforcing Barrier-Free Environment in Taiwan
卷期 9
並列篇名 有關臺灣公私部門推動無障礙環境的歷史沿革
作者 曾思瑜
頁次 029-038
關鍵字 無障礙環境適用設計沿革臺灣公私部門Barrier-Free EnvironmentUniversal DesignEvolutionTaiwanPublic and Private Sector
出刊日期 201406






The thoughts of "Normalization" and “Main stream" make barrier free environment to become a world-wide topic. Barrier-free environment is the realization of human space, mainly to ensure human being the right of movement. For coming into aging society, how to upgrade the quality of living environment, humanized and be user-friendly for everyone, is an important task in Taiwan.

There are four purposes of this paper: (1) To feedback the evolution of legislation and policy-developmental process of public sector such as governmental regulations about barrier-free environment in Taiwan; (2) To l00k back the movements and actions of Non-Profit-Organization for trying to carry out the concepts of barrier-free environment; (3) To review the tendency and devel0pment of academic fields to advocate the concepts of barrier-free environment; (4) To track the responses and reactions of private sectors, such as housing enterprises and building industry. Finally, we conclude the functions and roles that the public sector, NPO, academia and the private sector act for Taiwan promote barrier-free environment.

It is the same as various countries, which of legislation include ordinance or Law was adopted by Taiwan public sector to enact barrier-free environment. And the dirnension which legislation concemed is gradually extended from “spot" (public p1aces) to “line" (transportation) and "all area" (c0mmunity development). Academics held conferences or workshops for app1ying UD concept to reform accessib1e and affordab1e housing for all. The NPO groups advocate more actively advocate and have many varieties of movements for fulfilling barrier-free environment. The housing enterprises and building industry are still unfamiliar with barrier-free environment, and fall behind what the society demands.

In the end, we have conclusions as following: (1) the central and local government should be more active to promote the barrier-free environment to the general public; (2) To implement barrier-free enviromnent is an interdisciplinary work, govermnent should let the enterprises, NPO groups and academia collaborate to fulfill the realization of barrier-free living environment; (3) For ensuring basic humans, we should enlarge the territory of barrier-free environment to welfare and health levels, to form a good quality living environment.
