
華語文教學研究 THCI

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篇名 華語篇章銜接偏誤類型--以日本學習者為例
卷期 7:3
並列篇名 Error Categories of Cohesion in CSL for Japanese Learners
作者 蔡美智
頁次 31-53
關鍵字 偏誤分析語法偏誤篇章語法偏誤類型篇章銜接Error analysisGrammar errorsDiscourse grammarError categoriesCohesionTHCI
出刊日期 201012


周小兵等(2007)和楊德峰(2008)兩部專書同樣研究外籍人士常見華語語法偏誤,也都專章討論華語篇章語法偏誤,但劃分的類型不僅無一相同,而且一致忽略篇章銜接功能,無法反映漢語篇章銜接特點。本文根據Halliday (1985)所提出的篇章銜接架構,重新分析兩書中的偏誤語料,考察指稱銜接、省略替代、連接、詞彙銜接四種篇章銜接方法的使用情形,並針對日本學習者相關輸出,評估不同銜接方法的學習難點和習得順序、提供華語篇章教學參考。


Based on the analyses of CSL grammar errors proposed by Zhou et al. (2007) and Yang (2008), this study aims to address the insufficiency of previous researches on Chinese discourse grammar in the perspective of TCSL. Although discourse grammar errors have been identified and described in these two works, their classificatory systems are different one from another except that the notion of cohesion is not included in both systems. Using Halliday's four types of cohesion as analytical framework, namely the reference, the substitution and ellipsis, the conjunction, and the lexical cohesion, this paper reexamine the collected grammar errors, especially those of Japanese learners in Yang's book, and investigate the progression of different cohesive devices development.
