
華語文教學研究 THCI

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篇名 「同樣、相同」不「一樣」:表相似近義詞指稱功能辨析
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Tongyang and Xiangtong are not Yiyang: The Referential Differences of
作者 蔡美智
頁次 57-79
關鍵字 近義詞語料庫研究釋義詞用法範例比較形容詞指稱功能Near synonymsCorpus studyDefinition wordsIllustrative examplesComparative adjectivesReferenceTHCI
出刊日期 201004




This paper aims to examine how near synonyms are used to define each other, and how illustrative examples are build in Chinese dictionaries. Although XIANGTONG, YIYANG and TONGYANG all mean “the same”, they are not always exchangeable. An examination of the syntactic functions, the occurrence frequency, and most of all, the collocation relationship of this synonymous set in the SINICA Corpus unveils their different referential properties: XIANGTONG denotes reciprocal and internal reading, YIYANG conveys distributive and external reading, while the compound term TONGYANG indicates the reciprocal and external reading.
