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篇名 增強成人華語學習的動機:Wlodkowski動機的時間連續模式的應用
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Applications of the Time Continuum Model of Motivation to Learning Chinese as a Second Language
作者 蔡喬育
頁次 81-96
關鍵字 動機的時間連續模式成人學習動機華語學習動機華語教學成人學習者The time continuum model of motivationAdult motivation for learningMotivation for learning ChineseTCSLAdult learnerTHCI
出刊日期 201004


因為R. J. Wlodkowski發展的動機的時間連續模式是以提升成人學習動機為主,基於學習即時間,是一持續不中斷的線性過程,所以不論從目前華語學習的主體性,或是第二語言學習的經驗法則來看,將之應用於增強成人華語學習動機上,是有其參考價值的。本文主要根據動機的時間連續模式(the Time Continuum Model of Motivation)強調引起成人學習動機的三大階段和六個主要動機因素,提出引起、維持成人學習華語動機的策略有:傳遞學習的正向態度,以激發學習者的學習動機;注意成人學習的生心理狀態,配合其動機需求以進行教學活動;提供成人學習者學習成功的機會,給予正向回饋,增強正向學習刺激,提升學習自信;營造輕鬆的學習環境,提供分享學習的機會,讓「情意」融入華語教學中;實施互動式評量,讓成人學習者感受到自己的華語能力增進了;讓成人學習者有機會展現其華語能力於生活中,以增其滿足感和自信心。


Because the Time Continuum Model of Motivation, TCMM, is developed to learn Chinese as a second language and it is based on the concept of learning as time which is linear in its progression, it worth applying the model to learn Chinese as a second language.According to organizing the major factors of motivation for maximum usefulness is discussed in this model, there are 6 main strategies for enhancing adult motivation to learn Chinese proposed in this paper.
