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篇名 決策與重生∼一位初次接受腹膜透析病人之護理經驗
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 Decision and Rebirth – The Nursing Experience of Caring for A First-time Peritoneal Dialysis Patient
作者 陳佳婉郭嘉琪
頁次 091-105
關鍵字 末期腎臟疾病腹膜透析體液容積過量焦慮身體心像紊亂end-stage renal diseaseperitoneal dialysisfluid overloadanxietybody image disturbanceTSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.3966/172674042014061302007




This paper describes nursing care for an ESRD patient with rapid onset of end stage renal disease (ESRD) from long-term hypertension starting peritoneal dialysis for the first time. During the care period from April 26 to May 15, 2011, we assessed the patient using Gordon’s functional health patterns and gathered information through physical examination, observation, interview, and review of medical records. Problems we identified included fluid overload, anxiety and body image disturbance. The patient’s physical and emotional stress was caused by not being prepared for peritoneal dialysis before deciding to start treatment and difficulties in coping with the physiological and physical changes. Through listening, loving care, companionship, and empathy, we developed trust in the nurse–patient relationship while also helping the patient with reducing anxiety and reacting positively to pressure. Along with the comprehensive care delivered by the multidisciplinary team of physicians and peritoneal dialysis nurses offering detailed information on the treatment and care, dieticians providing nutrition and diet advice, social workers extending psychological support and counseling as well as assistance from the support group and family members’ encouragement, the patient learnt to live with peritoneal dialysis, adapt to the changes with a positive attitude and returned to work successfully. Emotional care and support, a multidisciplinary team approach, and experience sharing from the support group are all critical when caring for patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis for the first time. By sharing this care strategy, we hope to improve the quality of peritoneal dialysis care.
