
東吳哲學學報 THCI

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篇名 論柏拉圖《蒂邁歐篇》之時間概念
卷期 30
並列篇名 On Plato’s Conception of Time in Timaeus
作者 林薰香
頁次 001-033
關鍵字 時間空間運動存有 timespacemovementbeingTHCI
出刊日期 201408


柏拉圖(Plato)《蒂邁歐篇》(Timaios, Timaeus)乃古典哲學中有關宇宙論的重要著作,它承自先蘇哲學對世界與時間的哲學觀點,並影響西洋哲學後來的時空觀。柏拉圖視時間為摹仿永恆自存者的永恆影像,根據數的法則向前運行,因此涉及到宇宙、空間、運動以及生成。本文一方面試圖結合柏拉圖存有論與宇宙論的觀點,以審視並探討其時間概念;另一方面,奠基於前述的審視,嘗試借助當代存有論接續柏拉圖對時間的說明,探討時間與空間、靈魂、運動,並藉由宇宙靈魂與人的靈魂之關聯性,探討存有以及時間與人的可能關係。


Based on Plato’s Timaeus which integrated the pre-Socratic philosophy and was one of the most important cosmological works of classical philosophy, this paper will try to examine Plato’s conception of time which is said to be a moving likeness of eternity, generated by Demiurge, the God of Creation, and move according to number. Thus it connects with cosmos, space and movement as well as generation. Focused on Plato’s ontological and cosmological insight, this paper starts by trying to find out what the time is for Plato. Furthermore, based on the result of the preceding examination and following the ontological question of conception of time in Plato’s philosophy, and via contemporary ontology, this paper will try to disclose how the time relates to space, soul and being as well as to the human being.
