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篇名 一位股骨頭壞死行髖關節置換術患者之手術全期護理經驗
卷期 25:3=87
並列篇名 The Nursing Experience of a Patient with Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head Undergoing a Total Hip Replacement Surgery
作者 陳文慧蔡明芬黃羽瑈
頁次 327-336
關鍵字 股骨頭缺血性壞死髖關節置換術手術全期護理femoral head necrosiship replacementperioperative nursing care
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.3966/102673012014092503008




This article discussed the nursing experience of a patient with osteonecrosis of femoral head undergoing a total hip replacement surgery. The care was from the 19th to the 26th of December 2011. We collected the data via observation chart reviews, preoperative and postoperative consultation. Health problems assessed based on Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns Assessment included (1) anxiety/ related to facing the procedure and the uncertain outcome; (2) the potential hazard of the risky procedure/ related to the surgery, anesthesia, and environmental factors; (3) acute pain/ related to the surgical tissue injury; and (4) lack of knowledge/ related to the postoperative self care. During the course of nursing, we assessed the needs of the patient, timely offered psychological support, drew up nursing care plan according to the patient’s conditions, and provide information about total hip replacement surgery and education for artificial hip joint dislocation prevention; effectively lowering patient’s anxiety about the surgery. There was no unexpected peri-operative event, alleviating postoperative pain. Most importantly, the patient was motivated to improve self-care ability and be able to back to his daily life. We hope that the experience can serve as a reference for improving quality of care for patients undergoing total hip replacement surgery.
