
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics ScopusTHCI

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篇名 Process-Related Durative Phrases as Numeral-Classifier Phrases in Chinese
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 漢語的名前時量詞應分析為量詞
作者 廖偉聞
頁次 59-80
關鍵字 漢語句法時量詞組句法-語意衝突連讀變調Chinese syntaxDurative phrasesSyntax-semantic mismatchTaiwanese tone sandhiScopusTHCI
出刊日期 201407




This paper argues that pre-nominal durative phrases should be analyzed as numeral-classifiers in Chinese. New evidence is provided from Taiwanese tone sandhi rules and the de-insertion rule in Mandarin. It is shown that the numeral-classifier analysis of the pre-nominal durative phrase is able to solve the tension among previous analyses, and may provide a unified account for the syntax-semantic mismatch of the durative phrase.
