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篇名 老子史觀的一項文化哲學觀察
卷期 27
並列篇名 A Viewpoint of Cultural Philosophy of Lao-Tzu’s Historical Aspect
作者 郭家和
頁次 021-038
關鍵字 老子史賓格勒基本象徵循環史觀Lao-TzuTaoTeSpenglerPrime SymbolReturn
出刊日期 201409




The “Lao-Tzu” discussed about the rule of success or fail, disaster or fortune, survive or perish. The viewpoint in this book observed the return of the universe, and expanded the contexts of history and culture to be the revolution logic of the “Tao”. It is similar to the “Historical Morphology” posed by Spengler, who is the cultural philosopher of Germany in twenty century. Reviewing the “Prime Symbol” of Chinese culture described by Spengler, and analyzing the problem about time consciousness in Lao-Tzu’s “Tao” which also mentioned by Spengler that display the important difference between Lao-Tzu’s morphology of the return and Spengler’s Physiognomic morphology. It is observable to prove the cultural periodicity life that described the end of the human civilization by Spengler and the Lao-Tzu’s historical aspect about the revolution of the universe, “When the great Tao perishes. There is jen and justice”, that there are two kinds of thinking logic about human civilization in Spengler’s “Destiny” and Lao-Tzu’s “Return”.
