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篇名 高中學生電腦網路使用習慣與網路學習觀點調查
卷期 361
並列篇名 Analysis of Questionnaire on Internet Use and e-Learning for High School
作者 傅學海陳岸立
頁次 015-024
關鍵字 創意教學學習動機批判思考科學創造力creative teachinge-learning motivationcritical-thinkingscientific ability
出刊日期 201308




To understand the internet use in communication, leisure and e-learning, the survey involved 219 students (113 males and 106 females) in three high schools. The results show that almost all students have a computer and use internet at home. They use internet as an important implement in social, leisure and academic. There is a gender difference in the internet usage: males use it more for communication and playing games; Females intend to use computers more for internet surfing and doing homework. Although the students do apply the internet to do assignments, the motivation of e-learning is not strong because of lack of self-efficacy. Thus we suggest that it is necessary to guide students to use e-learning resources in efficient way.
