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篇名 多媒體組合方式對學習成效之影響--以國小三年級數學例行性問題解決為例
卷期 365
並列篇名 The Impact of Multimedia Presentation Modes on Learning Effect : Take Third Graders’ Mathematical Routine Problem Solving for Example
作者 林立群顏晴榮
頁次 002-018
關鍵字 多媒體組合方式互動模擬學習成效multimedia presentation modesinteractivity simulation modelearning achievement
出刊日期 201312




This study focus on the impact of Multimedia Presentation Modes, which includes Interactivity Simulation Mode,Continious Simulation Mode and Picture Mode, three kinds of teaching methods, on third graders’ learning effect. The sample size recruited as the subject of this study was 80 third-graders of three classes in a selected elementary school in Taoyung City. This study uses quasi-experimental design, the students of each class as different groups to be teached in different modes, and then to take a learning achievement posttest, the statistic results of differences of three modes was represented in quantitative data. The findings of this study was listed below: Interactivity Simulation Mode has significant differences between the others in learning achievement, but there was no differences between Continious Simulation Mode and Picture Mode in learning achievement. As a results, Interactivity Simulation Mode can enhance students’ learning achievement, and reduce students’ cognitive load. Based on the results of this study, the researcher attempts to propose certain conclusions for the future research design and the selection of multimedia materials.
