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篇名 實施議論文寫作活動提升國小學生論證與寫作能力
卷期 368
並列篇名 Fostering Elementary School Students’ Argumentation and Argumentative Writing Skills through Argumentative Writing Activities
作者 張緯文林樹聲
頁次 002-019
關鍵字 論證能力寫作能力議論文寫作國小Argumentation skillswriting skillsargumentative writingelementary school
出刊日期 201405




The purpose of the study was to improve the sixth graders’ argumentation and writing skills through argumentative writing activities. The study adopted one-group pretest-posttest design. Thirty-one students received 3-week instructional treatment, two hours each week. The unit is “ The establishment of Kuo-Kuang petrochemical industry”, in which the students learned the knowledge about the issue, argumentation skills and argumentative writing skills. Before and after the teaching, the students were asked to complete two respective learning sheets of argumentative writing on different socioscientific issues—“The establishment of Kuo-Kuang petrochemical industry” and “ the use of wind power”. Data analysis was conducted by qualitative analysis and t-test. The results revealed that after the teaching, the students had significant improvements in constructing counterarguments, rebuttals and total scores for argumentation in two of the issues(p<.05), but had significant improvements in constructing arguments only in the issue of “The establishment of Kuo-Kuang petrochemical industry”. In addition, there existed significant improvements in constructing Chinese rhetoric, contents, text structure and total scores for argumentative writing after the teaching. Suggestions for teaching argumentation skills and argumentative writing skills were discussed.
