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篇名 在中國的日資企業員工工作壓力與滿意度實證研究
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 An empirical study of employees working pressure and satisfaction of Japanese enterprises in China
作者 董鵬劉媛周茂
頁次 015-024
關鍵字 工作壓力工作滿意度組織支援感在華日資企業員工work stressjob satisfactionPerceived Organizational Supportstaff in Japanese investment enterprise in China
出刊日期 201406




In today's society facing more and more fierce social competition, work stress of occupation group is being widely paid attention by scholars. Work stress is not only a series results of physical, psychological and behavior on individual staffs, but also influence job satisfaction. In this paper the work stress and job satisfaction, and the relationship between both of the staffs of Japanese-investment enterprises in China is studied. The results show: (1) the whole work stress of the staffs of Japanese-investment enterprises in China is in a little low level, the main stress resource of employee of Japanese investment enterprises in China is the stress of career development, secondly is organizational mechanism and style.(2)the job satisfaction of the staffs of Japanese-investment enterprises in China is not optimistic.the whole job satisfaction is in a low lever, the main factor of unsatisfactory is salary and welfare. (3)There is negative correlation between work stress in total and other factors except job itself. (4)The part mediator affect and moderator affect of organizational support between work stress and job satisfaction is tested in this paper
