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篇名 地區創新氛圍、社會資本與廠商創新績效之研究
卷期 73
並列篇名 Research on Regional Innovative Milieux, Social Capital and Firm Innovation Performance
作者 邊泰明陳仲萌
頁次 107-133
關鍵字 社會資本創新氛圍產業環境社會網絡分析Social capitalregional innovation milieuindustrial environmentsocial network analysisScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6161/jgs.2014.73.05




Although building an innovative environment is considered critical to boost firm innovation performances, recent studies have revealed difficulties in successfully duplicating regional innovative cases by simply providing similar facilities. In this regard, this study introduces social capital concerns that are embedded in intrafirm networks to clarify their relationship with innovative milieu and firm innovation performance. This study also aims to find the best matches between network structure and regional innovation milieu in terms of their effect on boosting firm innovation performance. The results of this study show that social capital directly influences firm innovative performances, and regional innovative milieu mediates this effect. Firms should construct different network strategies that correspond the innovative milieu in their physical locations.
