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篇名 讓「結構」協助聽說讀寫的語文表現
卷期 7
並列篇名 Seeing Structure Benefits Four Language Skills
作者 張芳琪
頁次 057-089
關鍵字 五段式寫作結構概念聽說讀寫語文技能批判性思考a five-paragraph essay writing modelstructure for four language skillscritical thinking
出刊日期 201406


五段式寫作法的結構是許多人熟知的格式,這個結構也適用於整理聽、說、讀這三項語文技能所呈現之內容。這個通用的結構可以整理書寫、演說兩種語言輸出(produce)的內容,也可以協助整理傾聽、閱讀時所接收( perceive)的訊息。多年來我見證該結構概念對不同語文程度、不同年齡層的學習者的語文表現以及批判性思考發展之助益,於是我在 2013年的一個學術研討會中分享我將此結構教學融入不同語文程度、不同年齡層的學生的英語文學習活動中的例子。與會者的回饋讓我決定撰寫本文,本文並非一篇學術研究報告,但是希望本文所提供的解說與實例能讓讀者更了解此一通用於四項語文技能的結構。文中所分享的幾篇國小、國中、高中、大學生運用此一結構所產出的語文作品,將能夠讓教學者對於如何將此結構教學融入教學活動中有更明確的概念。


A five-paragraph essay writing model, well known to composition teachers and students learning about composition, presents a basic structure of an essay, including the expected features of the sentences in each paragraph. This structure is applicable to presenting a speech outline, organizing notes taken while listening, and writing an after-reading outline summary as well. I had taught this structure to students of different English proficiency levels and ages and seen these leaners benefit from applying this structure, including the benefit of developing critical thinking. This paper, not a research report, intends to promote the teaching of this structure. In this paper, I first present this structure and then some written works by the students at the grade school level, secondary school level and college level to explain how the teaching of this structure can be integrated into the teaching activities.
