
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 台南小吃家族企業的發展與傳承
卷期 39
並列篇名 The Family Succession of Tainan Snacks Family Business
作者 張淑麗王春展吳武忠
頁次 294-308
關鍵字 台南小吃家族企業個案研究Tainan snacksfamily businesscase study
出刊日期 201312




This case study was to explore the family succession of Glutinous Rice Tamale, one famous Tainan snacks family business lasting 40 years history, and to analyze its development processes and inheriting of family business. This study reviewed the relevant bibliographies about Tainan snacks and family business. The methods in the study included depth-interview and documentary analysis to obtain multiple important data and to understand the development matters and management status. The researcher took depth-interviews toward 7 family business members including the first generation female entrepreneur and her son, daughter-in-law, daughters and granddaughter. This study also searched documents such as newspapers, magazines & internet webs to enforce the integrity of analysis. The study concluded some important points as follows: 1.the Glutinous Rice Tamale contained four main periods including start-up stage, changing stage, transforming stage, and expanding stage. 2.the Glutinous Rice Tamale was a family business inherited by family members of three generations. At last, the study presented two suggestions.

