
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 婦女更年期症狀與睡眠品質
卷期 39
並列篇名 Menopausal Symptoms and Sleep Quality in Taiwanese Women
作者 顏苑娗隋安莉
頁次 346-353
關鍵字 更年期症狀睡眠品質Menopausal symptomsleep quality
出刊日期 201312




The objectives of the study were to find the relationship between self-reported sleep quality, climacteric symptom intensity, and their correlation among middle-aged women. 219 women, aged 52.91±7.87, were recruited. Compared with women in other Asian countries, the average menopausal rating scores (MRS) of women in Taiwan was lower. Women suffered mostly by somatic symptoms; psychological and urogenital symptoms followed. The three prevalent menopausal symptoms reported were joint and muscular discomfort, sleeping problems and symptoms of bladder problems. Around 40% women had hot flushes and sweating. The average sleeping time was 7.23±1.47 hours. 41.1% were poor sleepers and 31% had sleep latency more than 30 min. Among the 7 factors of sleep quality, the major prevalent complains were sleep latency, sleep disturbances and satisfaction of sleep quality. Significant positive correlation between PSQI global scores and MRS scores was found. Women with higher MRS scores had worse performance in 7 factors of sleep quality.

