
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 《春秋經》桓六年「子同生」書法探究——以《穀梁傳》為主
卷期 39
並列篇名 To analyze “Crown prince Tong was born” recorded in Spring and Autumn History
作者 藍麗春
頁次 397-406
關鍵字 魯桓公齊襄公文姜子同Lu Huan GongWen JiangQi Xiang GongCrown prince Tong
出刊日期 201312




There are 242 years In Spring and Autumn History. Crown princes were born without any recording, except Lu Huan Gong 6 (B.C. 706) recorded “Crown prince Tong was born in September”. Why Confucius wrote this event? It should have special meaning. Crown prince Tong was the eldest son of Lu Huan Gong. He succeeded to the throne and became Lu Zhuang Gong while grew up. This matter stated and explained in Three Biography was not identical. In this paper, we analyze the truth in Three Biography base on classical history books and present the exact meaning from Confucius.

