
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 旅遊消費者環境知識、新環境典範態度及環境行為之研究——以四重溪溫泉地區為例
卷期 39
並列篇名 A Correlation Study among Environmental Knowledge, Attitude of New Environmental Paradigm and Environmental Behavior of Travel Consumers- A Study of Sz-Chung-Shi Hot Spring Area
作者 歐陽宇陳妤甄
頁次 420-433
關鍵字 溫泉產業環境知識環境行為新環境典範Hot Spring IndustryEnvironmental KnowledgeNew Environmental ParadigmEnvironmental Behavior
出刊日期 201312




The sustainable development of hot spring industry is closely related with natural environment. Hot spring tourism customers depend on resources and environment of the Nature for a bath in hot spring. Therefore, the relationship between human and environment will be an important concern for the field of hot spring. Diversified development and marketing of hot spring industry has given rise to an excess of hot spring tourism customers, whose knowledge and attitude towards the environment is often accompanied with much wrong information, which results in deviation of customers in environmental behavior or cognition gap in their environmental knowledge and behavior. Therefore, the research takes hot spring tourism customers as empirical object, studies the relationship and influence between environmental knowledge, environmental paradigm and environmental behavior, with Sz-Chung-Shi Hot-spring Area as the studied location. The research findings reveal that hot spring tourism customers are obviously lacking environmental knowledge. Among environmental behavior, they highly agree with the information of environmental knowledge, while the effect of environmental education is distinct. Therefore, environmental education should be used to guide the tourism customers to develop correct values on the environment and convert into truly new environmental paradigm.

