
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 咖啡連鎖店關鍵服務品質屬性確認—— Kano模式與PZB之應用
卷期 39
並列篇名 Applying Kano Model and PZB to Identify Critical Service Quality Attributes for Coffee Chain Stores in Tainan City
作者 張曜麟陳尉平陳佳欣鐘玉芳
頁次 434-443
關鍵字 Kano模式PZB服務品質量表服務品質Kano modelPZBservice quality
出刊日期 201312




The climate to drink coffees of the nation is getting more and more popular recently, leading a fast growth of coffee chain stores. To get sufficiently understands for consumer’s needs, expectations and thoughts for applying in service design and service quality improvement is an important issue. Therefore, This study utilize Kano model combine SERVQUAL to identify critical service quality attributes for coffee chain stores. The research results reveal that there are 3 attractive quality attributes; 2 one-dimensional quality attributes; 7 must-be quality attributes and 6 indifferent quality attributes of Starbucks in Tainan. Consumers have significantly higher emphases on Responsiveness and Reliability, which are often determined by the first line workers’ service consciousness and service devotion. So managers have to focus on the training of attendants.

