
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 墾丁潛水海域活動滿意度分析研究
卷期 39
並列篇名 Scuba Diving Tourists’ Satisfaction to Kenting Diving Activity Analysis
作者 梁俊煌高如儀龔飛熊
頁次 455-469
關鍵字 潛水客水中生態海流Scuba diving touristAquatic ecosystemsCurrents
出刊日期 201312




Purpose: Kenting Diving activity gradually increased recently, and it has been defined as a most important tourism area in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was designed to understand the Scuba diving tourists’ satisfaction to Kenting Diving activity. Method: The study selected 300 samples from water activity area in Kenting National Park, and receiving 244 valid questionnaires (valid rate is 81.3%). The collected data was analyzed by using Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and MANOVA. Results: Someone who has higher satisfaction because of ↑ education degree, ↓ income, male, and college students. Suggestion: In order to expand new customers and attract scuba diving tourism, the local government and recreation industry should construct more public facilities. Additionally, the social environment and physical environment satisfaction only stayed in the acceptable range. If Kenting diving water activities want sustainable development in the future, it should offer a wonderful diving environment, exhibit fishing, protect coral and fish diversity.

