
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 國中棒球選手對理想教練角色期望及教練角色實踐之研究
卷期 39
並列篇名 A Study on Junior High School Baseball Players‘ Role Expectation on an Ideal Coach and Coach’s Real Role Performance
作者 楊朝行葉益銘
頁次 470-479
關鍵字 青少棒領導行為社會身份行為組型junior league baseballleadershipsocial statusbehavioral pattern
出刊日期 201312




The purpose of this study was to explore the situation of role expectation of an ideal coach from baseball players in junior high school and provide further conclusions and suggestions accordingly. Questionnaire investagation was adopted. “Questionnaire of junior high school baseball players‘ role expectation on an ideal coach and coach’s real role performance” was the study tool, and the sampling method was used to investigate current baseball players in junior high school in Taiwan. 100 questionnaires were delivered and 81 copies were returned, thus the recycling rate reached to 81.00%. Besides, there were 70 copies of valid questionnaire and the questionnaire efficiency was 86.42%. Statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation were used to analysize the data. The important findings of this study were explained as follows respectively:(1)Baseball players in junior high school had high role expectatin on an ideal coach, but there were still much room of growth in the coach’s real role performance.(2)The baseball players‘ role expectation on an ideal coach and coach’s real role performance differed according to baseball players‘ different grader, player seniority and whether they had become baseball player in elementary school or planned to continue to be a player in high school. (3)The relationship between players‘ role expectation on an ideal coach and coach‘s real role performance showed negative correlationship.

