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篇名 Siraya Writing in Contemporary Tai-gi Literature: Centered onA Supplementary History of My Homeland, Blitzkrieg Siraya andthe Big Harbor
卷期 9
並列篇名 當代台語文學的Siraya書寫:以《鄉史補記》、《決戰西拉雅》及《大港嘴》為中心
作者 鄭雅怡
頁次 001-045
關鍵字 Sirayamulti-colonizationTai-ginational identityinterethnicity多重殖民台語國族認同族群相互性
出刊日期 201404
DOI 10.6242/twnica.9.1


21世紀初以來Siraya書寫蔚為台語文學的一股風潮,以Siraya平埔族為主題的台語作品日益增加,文類及風格亦愈加多樣化。台語雖然是台灣的本土語言之一,而且七成以上的台灣民眾以台語為母語,它卻向來被視為「低階語言」,直到最近數十年,台語族群才展開母語復興運動。Siraya 族的境遇與台語類似,這個原居於台南的平埔原住民族,一向被主流社會排擠,然而自從1990 年代以來Siraya 族裔推動復振運動,至今仍持續不輟。台語文學和Siraya,一屬母語文創作,另一則屬族群議題,這兩者如何串聯,進而形成一個新的論述空間?Siraya 書寫對於台語文學以及台灣現今的政治、社會發展可能產生哪些影響?本論文首先探討Siraya意識形成的歷史因素,繼而分析認同政治與台語文學中Siraya書寫興起的關聯性。此外,論文中討論三部有關Siraya的台語文作品,都是以Siraya人的經驗為基礎來重建台灣的歷史,並挑戰以中國——漢人為主體的主流歷史架構。Siraya 在台語文學中的「高曝光率」涵蓋多重意義。重新書寫Siraya 彰顯一種新的社會運動,開展一個新視野,表達台灣人試圖將台灣建構為具有豐饒原住民文化元素的多元族群國家想像。


In the dawn of the 21st century, writing about Siraya has blossomed among Tai-gi literaryworks. A vernacular spoken by more than 70% of the population of Taiwan, Tai-gi has beendiscriminated as a low language. Not until the recent decades did Tai-gi undergo revitalization.Similarly, Siraya, a Tai-lam-based lowland indigenous group, has endured stigmatization, andsince the 1990s an awareness-raising movement has been pressing on. Why and how do thetwo fields, one involving vernacular literature and the other addressing ethnic issues,intertwine and co-effectuate a new discourse? What are the significances of Siraya writing inTai-gi literature and in Taiwan’s contemporary socio-political development?In the beginning, the article focuses on historical factors that attribute to the formation ofSiraya consciousness. Next it discusses how the rise of a new identity politics relates to the“boom” of Siraya representation in Tai-gi literature. Then the article deals with three Tai-giworks about Siraya, all of which retell Taiwan’s history in perspective of Siraya’s experienceand mount a challenge to the dominant Chinese-Han framework.The high-rate “exposure” of Siraya in Tai-gi literature manifests manifold significances.Re-writing Siraya marks a collective action, unfolding a new horizon of rearticulating Taiwanas a multi-ethnic nation with solid indigenous heritages.
