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篇名 知覺公平、補救後滿意度、負向口碑及行為意圖的關係—服務失誤嚴重性的干擾
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 The Relationship between Perceived Fairness, Recovery Satisfaction, and Behavior Intention: The Moderating Role of Service Failure Severity
作者 李奇勳蘇瑞蓮陳嬿伊
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 公平理論補償後滿意度行為意圖失誤嚴重性Fairness TheoryRecovery SatisfactionBehavior IntentionService Failure Severity
出刊日期 201410




Based on the fairness theory, the purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the perceived fairness (distribution, process and interaction) of recovery process and result on recovery satisfaction. Furthermore, effects of recovery satisfaction on negative word-of- mouth and behavior intention are also investigated. In the meantime, the moderating role of degree of service failure severity between perceived fairness and recovery satisfaction is examined. The results show: (1) distributive and process justices positively affect recovery satisfaction, (2) recovery satisfaction have positive effects on behavior intention, and negative effects on negative word-of-mouth, (3) negative word- of-mouth negatively affects behavior intention, (4) service failure severity positive moderating the relationship between distributive / process justices and recovery satisfaction. Finally, the implications of recovery strategies for marketing practitioners are suggested.
