
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 公司負責人對於公司逃漏稅捐的刑罰與行政罰問題─釋字六八七號後有關犯行參與論的學理續造
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 The Issues of the Criminal Punishments and Administrative Sanctions of Corporate Responsible Persons for the Tax Evasion of the Corporation: A Theoretical Proposal of the Determination of Accomplices after J.Y. Interpretations No. 687
作者 許澤天
頁次 093-136
關鍵字 逃漏稅捐自己行為責任公司負責人法人責任為他人行為義務犯保證人地位tax evasionnulla poena sine culpathe responsible person of a companyCorporateResponsibilitybehaviorforothersPflichtdelikteGarantenstellungTSSCI
出刊日期 201407




In accordance with J.Y. Interpretation No. 687, based on the constitutional principle of nulla poena sine culpa (no culpability carries no penalty), a person shall be subject to criminal penalty only for criminal violations and culpable acts. That Interpretation said that in accordance with Article 47, Item 1 of the Tax Collection Act, if the responsible person of a company should intentionally instruct, participate in the implementation or fail to prevent the act of tax evasion, he shall be subject to criminal penalty. However, why these acts are met by Elements of evasion of taxes, the justices did not say, but it is necessary to add the reasons from the perspective of criminal law theory.
