
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 臺灣光復前竹塹地區詩文應用《詩經》探論──以現存古典詩集和鸞書為對象的觀察
卷期 28
並列篇名 Uses of Shijing (The book of poetry) in the Poems of Zhuqian literati before 1949: An Exploration
作者 楊晉龍
頁次 271-306
關鍵字 臺灣竹塹新竹光復《詩經》引述TaiwanZhuqian Xinzhu Restoration of Taiwan in 1949Shijing THCI
出刊日期 201411


此文從「用經」角度,探討現存臺灣光復前新竹地區古典詩文引述《詩經》的表現,以瞭解《詩經》在新竹地區被接受及擴散的狀況。經由閱讀14 位出生成長學成於光復前的詩人及6 部鸞書,總共13581 篇創作的實證性研究探討,觀察到光復前新竹地區詩作在《詩經》篇章的引述,主要集中在修德交友與孝養雙親、兄弟和穆等私人問題的篇章之內,涉及國計民生問題的詩篇甚少引述。新竹地區詩作在詩旨上主要接受朱熹《詩集傳》解說,其中少數依從《毛詩正義》者,均襲自《欽定詩經傳說彙纂》,從經學史的角度看,光復前新竹地區的《詩經》學既不屬於毛鄭「漢學」系統,也不屬於「宋學」系統,乃屬於以「宋學」為宗並結合「漢學」的「官學」系統。研究成果除可確認光復前新竹地區詩作對《詩經》應用的表現,並提供整體性臺灣詩經傳播史的部份答案外,或當也有助於對臺灣地區學術文化源頭的瞭解。對於詩經學史、臺灣文化及新竹地區詩人思想或「臺灣學」等的研究者,或當有某些參考協助的功能。


This author, concerned with the applicability of the Chinese Classics, has explored the ways in which the Xinzhu literati adopted Shijing (The book of poetry) in their poems before 1949 in order to explicate the reception and spread of Shijing in Taiwan. Having read 9153 poems by 12 poets and 6 phoenix texts, he has found out that, in pre-1949 Xinzhu, the chapters of Shihjing used most were related to private lives, such as self-cultivation, friendship and filial piety, rather than public matters regarding the state or the people’s lives. In addition, he points out that these literati in approaching Shijing followed the teaching of Zhu Xi’s Shihizhuan, the official Song learning, rather than the Han learning of Mao and Zheng school. The results of such a research, in short, has specified the pre-1949 uses of Shijing in Xinzhu, which may also be helpful for those who are interested in the origins of scholarship and culture in Taiwan, the history of the study of Shijing, the ideas of the Xinzhu literati, or the study of Taiwan.
