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篇名 評估平地造林地之土肉桂、水黃皮及楓香的生長與CO2吸存量
卷期 26:4=278
並列篇名 Evaluating Growth and CO2 Sequestration of Cinnamomum osmophloeum, Pongamia pinnata and Liquidambar formosana in flat-land afforestations
作者 陳忠義王亞男徐唯恩吳亭潔余瑞珠吳宗賢
頁次 251-260
關鍵字 造林土肉桂水黃皮楓香生長表現碳吸存量AfforestationGrowthCO2 sequestrationCinnamomum osmophloeumPongamia pinnataLiquidambar formosana
出刊日期 201212


林木利用光合作用吸收CO2並貯存碳源。林木的碳吸存量反應在生長表現上,林木材積是陸地上主要的碳貯存源之一,因此估算林木的CO2吸存量,為森林經營的重要議題之一。然而,台灣對林木CO2吸存量的研究,多集中在山區之造林木,而平地造林的林木CO2吸存狀況則缺乏完善資料。本研究以屏東縣萬隆農場平地造林為試驗地,調查6年生及7年生之土肉桂、水黃皮、楓香的生長表現,並計算三種樹種之CO2吸存量。調查結果顯示6年生土肉桂之平均胸徑為5.39 cm,水黃皮為4.32 cm、楓香為5.23 cm;7年生土肉桂之平均胸徑為6.89 cm,水黃皮為5.84 cm、楓香為6.56 cm。胸徑與冠幅的迴歸分析顯示三樹種皆未達鬱閉飽和,且楓香在冠幅生長上有較大的伸展空間。累積CO2吸存量以7年生楓香之41.38 MgCO2/ha 最高,7年生水黃皮之18.62 MgCO2/ha 最低。與前人研究比較,三樹種之累積CO2吸存量均偏低,但三樹種之造林後續CO2吸存年增量方面,皆高於前人研究之其他樹種,表示本研究之三造林樹種仍具良好的生長潛力。整體而言,三試驗樹種以楓香的生長表現最好,其後續的CO2吸存潛力最高,是三種樹種中最適合萬隆農場的造林樹種。土肉桂及楓香的形狀比較高,將來樹高增長後,可能具低抗風力的缺點,此缺點是否可以高密度栽植來彌補,仍需要進一步研究。


Trees sequestrate carbon by using of photosynthesis, which is one of the major ways for carbon sequestrations in the world. As a result, evaluating the ability of trees on CO2 sequestration becomes an important issue in forestry. In Taiwan, efforts of evaluating CO2 sequestration are mostly trees growing in mountain areas. Investigation of CO2 sequestration on flat-land trees needs to be estimated and analyzed. To this end, the growth and CO2 sequestration of three tree species, viz., Cinnamomum osmophloeum, Pongamia pinnata and Liquidambar formosana, was estimated at Wan-Long farm in Pingtung. The results reveal that the average DBHs estimated from 6-year-old trees of C. osmophloeum, P. pinnata and L. formosana are 5.39 cm, 4.32 cm, and 5.23 cm, respectively and 7-year-old trees, average DBHs are 6.89 cm, 5.84 cm, and 6.56 cm. The accumulative CO2 sequestration of three tree species is relatively low comparing to other species. This indicates that the trees afforested at Wan-Long farm might suffer from stunted growth. Comparing the annual amount of CO2 sequestration between 6- and 7-year old trees, the three species are higher than other species investigated previsously. This result implies that the three tree species have good growth performance, although they were stunted in their early life cycle. Collectively, based on the evaluation of CO2 sequestration, L. formosana is one of the most suitable tree species afforested at Wan-Long farm. Both C. osmophloeum and L. formosana have great ratios of heights to DBHs, suggesting that they may encounter great damage from typhoons.
