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篇名 福山地區山紅柿不同冠層高度光合作用及二氧化碳固定效益之研究
卷期 27:1=279
並列篇名 Study of Photosynthesis and CO2 Sequestration in Different Levels of Canopy Height of Diospyros morrisiana in FuShan
作者 陳忠義黃文俊王亞男吳宗賢
頁次 017-023
關鍵字 光合作用冠層山紅柿二氧化碳固定PhotosynthesisCanopyDiospyros morrisianaCO2 sequestration
出刊日期 201303


福山植物園位於宜蘭縣境內,乾濕季不明顯,全年不缺水,試驗樹種山紅柿(Diospyrosmorrisiana )於試驗地林下常見更新小苗,本研究選取山紅柿林木,並藉由鐵架搭設每月量測上、中、下不同高度冠層之葉片淨光合作用速率,蒸散速率及氣孔導度,另量測溫室內小苗之光反應曲線求得光飽和點為500-700 μmol m-2 s-1,野外量測之淨光合作用速率以6-8月生長季最高,蒸散速率則以5-7月較高,冠層在強光時可能有光抑制現象產生,計算山紅柿上層葉二氧化碳固定量可得0.79 g m-2hr-1,換算一年單位葉面積約可固定2.88 kg m-2year-1二氧化碳。


This study was conducted at FuShan botanical garden, Ilan County, which is a subtropical area with high humidity year around and the selected experimental species is Diospyros morrisiana. The gas exchange parameters at different levels of canopy height were measured monthly. The light saturation point of seedlings planted in greenhouse is 500-700 μmol m-2 s-2 of D. morrisiana. The net photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate are high during June to August and May to July, respectively. The photoinhibition may occur when leaves exposed to high light intensity. The CO2 sequestration is 0.79 g m-2hr-1 of the leaf in upper canopy and converted the sequestration to 2.88 kg m-2year-1 in D. morrisiana.
