
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 男性與女性在不公平戀愛關係之修補公平策略
卷期 37:4
並列篇名 The Choices of Equity-Restoring Strategies by Men and Women Among Underbenefited Pre-marriage Relationships
作者 徐子晨陳婉真鐘珮純
頁次 031-056
關鍵字 不公平性別修補公平策略inequitygenderequity-restoring strategyTSSCI
出刊日期 201412


本研究探討華人文化的戀愛關係中,當男性與女性感覺關係不公平時,如何修補個體在關係中的公平感。研究者以我國文獻為主、西方文獻為輔,歸納出四個策略:自我成長、放棄關係、和諧忍讓、直接溝通。再深度訪談具戀愛經驗的大學生與研究生,編製「修補公平策略量表」,並初步分析性別與修補公平策略選擇之間的關係。研究結果發現:「修補公平策略量表」內部一致性信度為 .85,顯示該因素具有良好的信度,並經驗證性因素分析,顯示具有穩定的因素結構,能夠提供後續研究或實務工作者做為有效的測量工具。本研究亦發現,性別與修補公平策略交互作用效果顯著。


This study aims to discover what men and women would choose to restore equity in underbenefited relationships underlying Taiwanese cultural context. Reviewing from western to indigenous literature, four strategies were deduced: self-growth, leaving the relationship, endurance, and direct communication. After conducting in-depth interviews with undergraduate and graduate students, “Equity-Restoring Strategies Scale” was developed. The relationship between gender and equity-restoring strategies was analyzed and the findings demonstrated that “Equity-Restoring Strategies Scale” has good internal consistency reliability, .85, and the scale performs high quality of reliability and stable factor construct. Due to these good performances, it is recommended to use this scale as a tool for relevant research. Another value of this research is in its significant interactions between gender and equity-restoring strategies.
