
國立政治大學歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 明代北京的溝渠疏濬及其相關問題
卷期 41
並列篇名 Dyke Dredging and Other Relevant Issues in Beijing during the Ming Dynasty
作者 邱仲麟
頁次 043-104
關鍵字 北京排水系統城市管理災害防治公共衛生Beijingdrainage systemurban managementdisaster preventionpublic healthTHCI
出刊日期 201405




Being the capital of the Ming Empire, Beijing was designed with wide and deep dykes. They were regularly dredged during the second and third months of the lunar calendar each year. Court officials were dispatched to manage and oversee the process, though they also often irregularly repaired and dredged the dykes. However, owing to a increase in the city's population from the middle of the fifteenth century, the matter of local dignities building houses above the dykes became an increasingly serious issue. Although this was repeatedly prohibited by the court, those with power would still violate the law by building on the dykes until the middle of the seventeenth century, and this became the reason why the dykes could not be dredged. In relation to this, the court used to extensively dredge Beijing's moats from 1437, but, despite this, the moats often became blocked with silt and the last time they were dredged was in 1639. What is worth noting is that, like their predecessors from the Song dynasty, the subjects of the Ming dynasty also noticed the relationship between inadequate drainage and the spread of epidemics.
