
農業經濟叢刊 TSSCI

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篇名 產銷履歷驗證之價值評估--以水產品之產銷履歷驗證為例
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 Evaluation the Value of Traceability Certification: The Example of the Fishery Products
作者 闕雅文陳麗婷
頁次 043-064
關鍵字 水產品產銷履歷驗證願付價值Aquatic productsTraceability certificationWillingness to payTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6196/TAER.2014.19.2.2




This study developed on the “aquatic products market scenario” questionnaire design, simulating consumers selecting multiple items for purchase in a market. Development included contingent valuation methods using multiple inquiry tools on a single questionnaire targeted at individual respondents. In accord with this type of study, panel data regression analysis was used with econometric methods to obtain the price consumers are willing to pay. The accuracy and effectiveness of price inquiry in the study is increased through repeated verification designed into the questionnaires and empirical methods to determine each interviewee’s willingness to pay. As for the testing of the study methods used, this study evaluates the added value on fishery products from traceable certification. As for verifying research methods, this study is aimed at evaluating the added value to fishery products from traceability certification through design of the scenario created by questionnaires and simulating consumers in a market scenario where several fishery product choices are available for purchase. The questionnaires contain several different typesof fishery products with certified traceability; the ratio of increased willingness to pay for the traceable products is used as a price inquiry tool to evaluate the difference in price consumers are willing to pay for the traceability. Through results from interviews directly with consumers of fishery products from both modern and traditional channels from Taiwan’s north, central and southern districts, the research showed that simulations using multiple inquiry tools on a single consumer as established in this study is a method that can be adopted in the contingent valuation method and the empirical method in price inquiry questionnaires for more effectiveness. Results from this test could be used in reference by aquaculturists and processors in promotion strategies and in production planning.
