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篇名 黑格爾論上帝存在的證明
卷期 57
並列篇名 Hegel on the Proofs of the Existence of God
作者 劉愛民
頁次 109-151
關鍵字 上帝黑格爾《邏輯學》神學存有學證明GodHegelScience of Logictheologyontological proof
出刊日期 201404




Hegel’s Science of Logic, when read from the omniscient viewpoint of God which explicates the evolution of the divine idea, constitutes the inner core of philosophical theology. Whereas, when read from the perspective of finite spirit, Science of Logic displays the thinking spirit’s elevation to God in the pure ether of thought on his return to the kingdom of divine essence. Each stage in the journey of spiritual ascents is a proof for the existence of God. God’s self-manifestation is a doubling process: The way God comes to know godself in humanity and the way humanity comes to know himself in God are ultimately the same.
