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篇名 死亡威脅下人生觀對享樂與實用消費之影響
卷期 25:1
並列篇名 Under the Mortality Salience: Effects of Life Philosophy on Hedonic and Utilitarian Consumption
作者 謝致慧凌儀玲
頁次 157-184
關鍵字 死亡威脅人生觀消費傾向mortality salienceoutlook on lifeconsumer tendencyScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.6226/NTURM2014.JAN.GE47




Based on the Terror Management Theory, this article examines the effects of mortality salience and outlook on life on consumer behavior. Two experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, the results indicate that individuals in the mortality salience condition allocate more money to their hedonic consumption than their utilitarian consumption; however, individuals in the control condition allocate more money to their utilitarian consumption than their hedonic consumption. In experiment 2, the results show that individuals who have a pessimistic outlook on life tend to spend more money on catering consumption, and spend less money on investment funds when they face the possibility of death. Specifically, there is no significant difference of buying life insurance between the high and low mortality salience condition.
